Cloud Nine Food Court is a Food court in Khulna. The address of Cloud Nine Food Court is M A Bari St, Khulna 9100. You can get any service from this Food court over a phone call in this number .
Phone Number of Cloud Nine Food Court:
Details Information about Cloud Nine Food Court
Name: Cloud Nine Food Court
Service Type: Food court
Phone Number:
Address: M A Bari St, Khulna 9100
Khulna 9100
Location: Khulna
Call Cloud Nine Food Court Now:
Get in touch with Cloud Nine Food Court:
For any more information and query about Cloud Nine Food Court, please call this phone number: . You will get information on how to get any kind of Food court service from Cloud Nine Food Court. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Cloud Nine Food Court, Khulna by calling the phone number. You can also find more Food court in Khulna from our website.
Cloud Nine Food Court Opening Hours:
Sunday, 12:30 to 10PM; Monday, 12:30 to 10PM; Tuesday, 12:30 to 10PM; Wednesday, 12:30 to 10PM; Thursday, 12:30 to 10PM; Friday, 12:30 to 10PM; Saturday, 12:30 to 10PM
People who have availed different services from Cloud Nine Food Court before shared their opinion – A nice place to have your dinner with your family and friends. The place has nine different food shops and their food quality is very good. I have tried all the items I think from this place because I've visited here from the beginning . It's beside my campus so had a great chance to taste their foods with very cheap price. I love Windey's platters and Big Berry's shakes most. You can try them – about quality of their Food court service in Khulna.
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