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Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park - Restaurant in Salimpur

Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park is a Restaurant in Salimpur. The address of Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park is Port Link Rd, Salimpur. You can get any service from this Restaurant over a phone call in this number 01814-234139.

Phone Number of Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park: 01814-234139

Details Information about Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park

Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park

Name: Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park

Service Type: Restaurant

Phone Number: 01814-234139

Address: Port Link Rd, Salimpur


Location: Salimpur


Call Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park Now: 01814-234139

Get in touch with Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park:

For any more information and query about Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park, please call this phone number: 01814-234139. You will get information on how to get any kind of Restaurant service from Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park, Salimpur by calling the phone number. You can also find more Restaurant in Salimpur from our website.

Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park Opening Hours:

Saturday, 10AM to 10PM; Sunday, 10AM to 10PM; Monday, 10AM to 10PM; Tuesday, 10AM to 10PM; Wednesday, 10AM to 10PM; Thursday, 10AM to 10PM; Friday, 10AM to 10PM

People who have availed different services from Shuktara Chinese Restaurant and Park before shared their opinion - Shakawoth Hossin Shabuj said,giving a rating of 4 out of 5, wonderful place for spending quality time with family and friends specially with children’s. One of the good and expensive picnic spot in Chittagong area. Cool Environment with natural beautiful view make it special. But food quality is not good enough. Though price is so high. Washroom facilities is also very bad. Need so increase the service quality. - Fuad Al Hasan said,giving a rating of 3 out of 5, Food was good at taste but their dish and other utensils and crockeries was not clean enough. Toilets was full of offensive oddors. Hand was basin was dirty and their were no hand soap. But the surrounding view was awesome. The food amount was very less but they charged highly to their customer. Specially rice, dal(lentils), vorta, vegetables are too much expensive. Fish and meat price is bit higher but it’s okay. - about quality of their Restaurant service in Salimpur.

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