Phone Number of Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point): 01835-693634
Details Information about Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point)
Name: Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point)
Service Type: Courier service
Phone Number: 01835-693634
Address: Chandana Chowrasta Dhaka Road Gazipur, 1702
Location: Chandona
Call Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point) Now: 01835-693634
Get in touch with Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point):
For any more information and query about Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point), please call this phone number: 01835-693634. You will get information on how to get any kind of Courier service service from Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point). You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point), Chandona by calling the phone number. You can also find more Courier service in Chandona from our website.
Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point) Opening Hours:
Thursday, 9AM to 9PM; Friday, 2 to 8PM; Saturday, 9AM to 9PM; Sunday, 9AM to 9PM; Monday, 9AM to 9PM; Tuesday, 9AM to 9PM; Wednesday, 9AM to 9PM
People who have availed different services from Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point) before said, World most worst delivery service - about quality of their Courier service service in Chandona.
Redx Delivery Gazipur (Pickup Point) is listed in TopServiceBD Website. Share your feedback about this Courier service in the comment section.
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