Bismillah Mini Chinese is a Restaurant in Khulna. The address of Bismillah Mini Chinese is 7, Ikbalnogor Main Road, Rasta Moor, Behind The Garib Newage Clinic, Khulna. You can get any service from this Restaurant over a phone call in this number 01917-811530.
Phone Number of Bismillah Mini Chinese: 01917-811530
Details Information about Bismillah Mini Chinese
Name: Bismillah Mini Chinese
Service Type: Restaurant
Phone Number: 01917-811530
Address: 7, Ikbalnogor Main Road, Rasta Moor, Behind The Garib Newage Clinic, Khulna
Location: Khulna
Call Bismillah Mini Chinese Now: 01917-811530
Get in touch with Bismillah Mini Chinese:
For any more information and query about Bismillah Mini Chinese, please call this phone number: 01917-811530. You will get information on how to get any kind of Restaurant service from Bismillah Mini Chinese. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Bismillah Mini Chinese, Khulna by calling the phone number. You can also find more Restaurant in Khulna from our website.
Bismillah Mini Chinese Opening Hours:
Sunday, 10AM to 11:01PM; Monday, 10AM to 11:01PM; Tuesday, 10AM to 11:01PM; Wednesday, 10AM to 11:01PM; Thursday, 10AM to 11:01PM; Friday, Closed; Saturday, 10AM to 11:01PM
People who have availed different services from Bismillah Mini Chinese before shared their opinion – This is situated at important location of Khulna city. They mainly produce Chinese item. There are two partner..they are also chef. One of them came from the well known Hotel royal international. His name is mohammad mujam who served their about 10 years. Interior is fine enough. Non Air condition room that is not so big. The black interior painting looked awesome. They have three ready plate those are really tasty. Corn soup and onthon was extraordinary. Their service was professional and very satisfactory. They cook food instantly after order. Their service time is after 2Pm to 11Pm. Friday is their holiday. – about quality of their Restaurant service in Khulna.
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