Phone Number of Velakhum:
Details Information about Velakhum
Name: Velakhum
Service Type: Tourist attraction
Phone Number:
Address: থানচি উপজেলা, Bandarban, থানচি সেতু, Thanchi
Location: Habru Headman Para
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Get in touch with Velakhum:
For any more information and query about Velakhum, please call this phone number: . You will get information on how to get any kind of Tourist attraction service from Velakhum. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Velakhum, Habru Headman Para by calling the phone number. You can also find more Tourist attraction in Habru Headman Para from our website.
Velakhum Opening Hours:
Saturday, 6AM to 6PM; Sunday, 6AM to 6PM; Monday, 6AM to 6PM; Tuesday, 6AM to 6PM; Wednesday, 6AM to 6PM; Thursday, 6AM to 6PM; Friday, 6AM to 6PM
People who have availed different services from Velakhum before shared their opinion
It's not easy to reach at Velakhum. You have to climb up and down on Debota hill. It's very hard to trekking the hill. So, if you want to go there you must take some preparation.
Famous Amiakhum waterfall and Satbhaikhum waterfall are very close to Velakhum. You can enjoy all the beauty at a time.
Velakhum is listed in TopServiceBD Website. Share your feedback about this Tourist attraction in the comment section.
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