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HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24) - Park in Salimpur

HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24) is a Park in Salimpur. The address of HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24) is Bhatiari - Hathazari Link Rd, Bhatiari. You can get any service from this Park over a phone call in this number .

Phone Number of HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24):

Details Information about HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24)

HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24)

Name: HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24)

Service Type: Park

Phone Number:

Address: Bhatiari - Hathazari Link Rd, Bhatiari


Location: Salimpur

Call HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24) Now:

Get in touch with HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24):

For any more information and query about HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24), please call this phone number: . You will get information on how to get any kind of Park service from HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24). You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24), Salimpur by calling the phone number. You can also find more Park in Salimpur from our website.

HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24) Opening Hours:

Saturday, 8AM to 8:30PM; Sunday, 8AM to 8:30PM; Monday, 8AM to 8:30PM; Tuesday, 8AM to 8:30PM; Wednesday, 8AM to 8:30PM; Thursday, 8AM to 8:30PM; Friday, 8AM to 8:30PM

People who have availed different services from HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24) before shared their opinion - Li Stonious said,giving a rating of 4 out of 5, A nice place to enjoy an afternoon with military vessels and sculptural view of war. Toy train, adventure trip, boat riding are some activities that you can do here. Just imagine for a moment, you are riding paddle boat across the pacific water of lake seeing the view of hill or you are on a bench beside the lake with your favourite book. Artificial cascade and neon light fountain are awesome. It's also a good place for a walk with the view of lake, flowers, ethnic house, woods, hill and more. So, if you are planning for a short trip it is recommended for you. - Merajun Naher (Duli) said,giving a rating of 5 out of 5, A nice place for spending family time. - about quality of their Park service in Salimpur.

HillView Park & Cafe (Cafe 24) is listed in TopServiceBD Website. Share your feedback about this Park in the comment section.

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