Phone Number of Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই): 01731-857381
Details Information about Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই)
Name: Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই)
Service Type: Grocery delivery service
Phone Number: 01731-857381
Address: West NurerChala, 100feet road near Natunbazar Kacha Bazar Dhaka, 1212
Location: Dhaka
Call Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই) Now: 01731-857381
Get in touch with Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই):
For any more information and query about Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই), please call this phone number: 01731-857381. You will get information on how to get any kind of Grocery delivery service service from Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই). You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই), Dhaka by calling the phone number. You can also find more Grocery delivery service in Dhaka from our website.
Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই) Opening Hours:
Thursday, Open 24 hours; Friday, Open 24 hours; Saturday, Open 24 hours; Sunday, Open 24 hours; Monday, Open 24 hours; Tuesday, Open 24 hours; Wednesday, Open 24 hours
People who have availed different services from Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই) before said, - about quality of their Grocery delivery service service in Dhaka.
Ghorer Sodai(ঘরের সদাই) is listed in TopServiceBD Website. Share your feedback about this Grocery delivery service in the comment section.
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