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Feni Coconut Garden - Tourist attraction in Pacnhgacia Bazaar

Feni Coconut Garden is a Tourist attraction in Pacnhgacia Bazaar. The address of Feni Coconut Garden is Feni City Bypass, Narikel Bagan Rd, মহিপাল 3900. You can get any service from this Tourist attraction over a phone call in this number 01817-088575.

Phone Number of Feni Coconut Garden: 01817-088575

Details Information about Feni Coconut Garden

Feni Coconut Garden

Name: Feni Coconut Garden

Service Type: Tourist attraction

Phone Number: 01817-088575

Address: Feni City Bypass, Narikel Bagan Rd, মহিপাল 3900

মহিপাল 3900

Location: Pacnhgacia Bazaar

Call Feni Coconut Garden Now: 01817-088575

Get in touch with Feni Coconut Garden:

For any more information and query about Feni Coconut Garden, please call this phone number: 01817-088575. You will get information on how to get any kind of Tourist attraction service from Feni Coconut Garden. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Feni Coconut Garden, Pacnhgacia Bazaar by calling the phone number. You can also find more Tourist attraction in Pacnhgacia Bazaar from our website.

Feni Coconut Garden Opening Hours:

Saturday, 8AM to 10PM; Sunday, 8AM to 10PM; Monday, 8AM to 10PM; Tuesday, 8AM to 10PM; Wednesday, 8AM to 10PM; Thursday, 8AM to 10PM; Friday, 8AM to 10PM

People who have availed different services from Feni Coconut Garden before shared their opinion - Sazzad Mahmud said,giving a rating of 5 out of 5, It is a coconut orchard own by Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation. I visited this garden in 15 July 1990 with one of the dearest of that time. I spent 3 hours at the garden but it feels only 15 minutes, I don't know how passed 3 hours. It is a very solitary place to spend your time with your dearest friends & family members. You will see a lots of coconut tree around the garden with some other fruits tree. You will also hear birds song & get south gentle breeze while you are roaming around the garden. Till now I can remember the visit that touches my heart. - Muhammad Saiful Amin said,giving a rating of 5 out of 5, It was great. Surrounded with many types of trees. Like coconut and specially mango trees are awesome. - about quality of their Tourist attraction service in Pacnhgacia Bazaar.

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