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Chimbuk Hill view point - Tourist attraction in Thaprupara

Chimbuk Hill view point is a Tourist attraction in Thaprupara. The address of Chimbuk Hill view point is Chimbuk Helipad, Bandarban - Thanchi Rd, Thaprupara. You can get any service from this Tourist attraction over a phone call in this number .

Phone Number of Chimbuk Hill view point:

Details Information about Chimbuk Hill view point

Chimbuk Hill view point

Name: Chimbuk Hill view point

Service Type: Tourist attraction

Phone Number:

Address: Chimbuk Helipad, Bandarban - Thanchi Rd, Thaprupara


Location: Thaprupara

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Get in touch with Chimbuk Hill view point:

For any more information and query about Chimbuk Hill view point, please call this phone number: . You will get information on how to get any kind of Tourist attraction service from Chimbuk Hill view point. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Chimbuk Hill view point, Thaprupara by calling the phone number. You can also find more Tourist attraction in Thaprupara from our website.

Chimbuk Hill view point Opening Hours:

People who have availed different services from Chimbuk Hill view point before shared their opinion - Nisat Tasnim Sayema said,giving a rating of 5 out of 5, Chimbuk Hill is approximately 2500 feet high above sea level ; 3rd highest hill in Bangladesh.

It's locates about an hours drive from Bandarban town. You can take a shortbreakt at Chimbuk hill on your way to Nilgiri,the most popular tourist spots in this area.

The extraordinary view from it's top is awesome. The short climb is rewarded with a breath taking panoramic view of the valley beneath it.

While looking down from Chimbuk, you will have the feelings of floating over the clouds. In a sunny day, you can see the cloud shades over the hills. The huge horizon of zigzag hills seem like waves of a sea.
- Anisur Rasul said,giving a rating of 5 out of 5, Greenery all the way you can see in your eyes.
- about quality of their Tourist attraction service in Thaprupara.

Chimbuk Hill view point is listed in TopServiceBD Website. Share your feedback about this Tourist attraction in the comment section.

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