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Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh - Hindu temple in Sitakund

Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh is a Hindu temple in Sitakund. The address of Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh is Chandranth Hill, Sitakunda, Chittagong, Sitakund. You can get any service from this Hindu temple over a phone call in this number .

Phone Number of Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh:

Details Information about Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh

Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh

Name: Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh

Service Type: Hindu temple

Phone Number:

Address: Chandranth Hill, Sitakunda, Chittagong, Sitakund


Location: Sitakund

Call Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh Now:

Get in touch with Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh:

For any more information and query about Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh, please call this phone number: . You will get information on how to get any kind of Hindu temple service from Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh, Sitakund by calling the phone number. You can also find more Hindu temple in Sitakund from our website.

Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh Opening Hours:

Saturday, Open 24 hours; Sunday, Open 24 hours; Monday, Open 24 hours; Tuesday, Open 24 hours; Wednesday, Open 24 hours; Thursday, Open 24 hours; Friday, Open 24 hours

People who have availed different services from Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh before shared their opinion - Yeamim Khan said,giving a rating of 5 out of 5, The track is not that much difficult nor easy. It's average. If you go normally it'll take 1.5 or 2 hour to climb the hill. You have to take rest 2/3 time or more based on your energy. I enjoyed the track. - abu sayed said,giving a rating of 5 out of 5, So much high hill in bangladesh. I pick the tample by 10 time rest. I never forget this difficulties to tracking road. This is second high time tracking after keokradon summit. when i pick the high point then i see the orginal beauty of this mountain.
After i reach i say that never track this mountain. Here you found 2 way one is up and down. Be carful when you start your tracking by right road. otherwise you fall big problem to track this road.
- about quality of their Hindu temple service in Sitakund.

Chandranath Temple, Bangladesh is listed in TopServiceBD Website. Share your feedback about this Hindu temple in the comment section.

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