KFC is a Restaurant in Khulna. The address of KFC is ES PLAZA 22, FARAJI PARA ROAD MOILAPOTA MORE, 9000. You can get any service from this Restaurant over a phone call in this number 09613-888666.
Phone Number of KFC: 09613-888666
Details Information about KFC
Name: KFC
Service Type: Restaurant
Phone Number: 09613-888666
Location: Khulna
Call KFC Now: 09613-888666
Get in touch with KFC:
For any more information and query about KFC, please call this phone number: 09613-888666. You will get information on how to get any kind of Restaurant service from KFC. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in KFC, Khulna by calling the phone number. You can also find more Restaurant in Khulna from our website.
KFC Opening Hours:
Sunday, 11AM to 11PM; Monday, 11AM to 11PM; Tuesday, 11AM to 11PM; Wednesday, 11AM to 11PM; Thursday, 11AM to 11PM; Friday, 11AM to 11PM; Saturday, 11AM to 11PM
People who have availed different services from KFC before shared their opinion – I am happy to get a KFC in khulna to try on.
Overall everything is fine . But unfortunately i couldn’t find the international flavour and quality in here. I have tried KFC in London, Berlin, Paris, Dubai and Barcelona.
All of the European branches had similarity with quality and taste. In Dubai it was bit extra crispy like in Here. But in Khulna❤️, it was bit different than those. I would say taste is better in European branch. As i am paying almost similar prices like those places , i can demand it respectfully.
For example, chicken popcorn was totally different . You know know what i am saying if you have tried one of those. This is not bad in Khulna but thats better there.
I would have been very happy if i had the similar things here. I am not complaining, i wanted the brand to have same taste of their signature items like chicken popcorn.
Atmosphere : was very good. Apart from there were no music to detach other people’s conversation.
Customer service : Staffs were very good with a smile . There were open and approachable and helpful.
The door man (May Allah Bless him) welcomed with a smile. So nice of him. Staffs on the floor and behind bar was very good.
Cleanness: in Khulna . I can bet on that. Offcourse i will expect that from KFC
Thank you. And will visit again Insha-Allah . – about quality of their Restaurant service in Khulna.
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