Bistro C is a Restaurant in . The address of Bistro C is RH57+X2X, Khulna. You can get any service from this Restaurant over a phone call in this number 01833-321172.
Phone Number of Bistro C: 01833-321172
Details Information about Bistro C
Name: Bistro C
Service Type: Restaurant
Phone Number: 01833-321172
Address: RH57+X2X, Khulna
Call Bistro C Now: 01833-321172
Get in touch with Bistro C:
For any more information and query about Bistro C, please call this phone number: 01833-321172. You will get information on how to get any kind of Restaurant service from Bistro C. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Bistro C, by calling the phone number. You can also find more Restaurant in from our website.
Bistro C Opening Hours:
Sunday, 11AM to 10:30PM; Monday, 11AM to 10:30PM; Tuesday, 11AM to 10:30PM; Wednesday, 11AM to 10:30PM; Thursday, 11AM to 10:30PM; Friday, 11AM to 10:30PM; Saturday, 11AM to 10:30PM
People who have availed different services from Bistro C before shared their opinion – It’s a great place. Awesome decoration. Comfortable sitting arrangement. They’re truly maintaining a class. Lighting could be slightly improved. Food quality is appreciable. Loved their chicken shawarma. Red velvet is super tasty. Coffee quality is amazing. And their sizzling brownie is a must-try item. – about quality of their Restaurant service in .
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