Khulna Cake Zone is a Cake shop in Khulna. The address of Khulna Cake Zone is 11 T.B. Boundary Rd, Khulna. You can get any service from this Cake shop over a phone call in this number 01741-535147.
Phone Number of Khulna Cake Zone: 01741-535147
Details Information about Khulna Cake Zone
Name: Khulna Cake Zone
Service Type: Cake shop
Phone Number: 01741-535147
Address: 11 T.B. Boundary Rd, Khulna
Location: Khulna
Call Khulna Cake Zone Now: 01741-535147
Get in touch with Khulna Cake Zone:
For any more information and query about Khulna Cake Zone, please call this phone number: 01741-535147. You will get information on how to get any kind of Cake shop service from Khulna Cake Zone. You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Khulna Cake Zone, Khulna by calling the phone number. You can also find more Cake shop in Khulna from our website.
Khulna Cake Zone Opening Hours:
Sunday, Open 24 hours; Monday, Open 24 hours; Tuesday, Open 24 hours; Wednesday, Open 24 hours; Thursday, Open 24 hours; Friday, Open 24 hours; Saturday, Open 24 hours
People who have availed different services from Khulna Cake Zone before shared their opinion – I wife ordered just a simple vanilla birthday cake…taken the cake photo from their own page…but I was so disappointed that the cake they made did not match atall with the photo the given in their page and poor works … they did not write even "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" on that birthday cake !!! (So embarrassing for me !!) …they did not follow any instructions that I gave….it seems the cake's image they used in their page ,is not made by them…I gave full payment but what I got was really not worth…communication level also poor…I think they did not even listen or follow what u said/write…overall very disappointed – about quality of their Cake shop service in Khulna.
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