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Chittagong Independent University (CIU) - Private university in Chattogram

Chittagong Independent University (CIU) is a Private university in Chattogram. The address of Chittagong Independent University (CIU) is Minhaj Complex, জামাল খান রোড, Chattogram 4000. You can get any service from this Private university over a phone call in this number 031-611262.

Phone Number of Chittagong Independent University (CIU): 031-611262

Details Information about Chittagong Independent University (CIU)

Chittagong Independent University (CIU)

Name: Chittagong Independent University (CIU)

Service Type: Private university

Phone Number: 031-611262

Address: Minhaj Complex, জামাল খান রোড, Chattogram 4000

Chattogram 4000

Location: Chattogram


Call Chittagong Independent University (CIU) Now: 031-611262

Get in touch with Chittagong Independent University (CIU):

For any more information and query about Chittagong Independent University (CIU), please call this phone number: 031-611262. You will get information on how to get any kind of Private university service from Chittagong Independent University (CIU). You can also ask for if they have the services and other facilities that you are looking for in Chittagong Independent University (CIU), Chattogram by calling the phone number. You can also find more Private university in Chattogram from our website.

Chittagong Independent University (CIU) Opening Hours:

Saturday, Closed; Sunday, 9AM to 5PM; Monday, 9AM to 5PM; Tuesday, 9AM to 5PM; Wednesday, 9AM to 5PM; Thursday, 9AM to 5PM; Friday, Closed

People who have availed different services from Chittagong Independent University (CIU) before shared their opinion - Anik Barua said,giving a rating of 4 out of 5, It was under independent University Bangladesh. After getting some internal problem they build it As a separate University and select a new name which is Chittagong Independent University - Ayon Paul said,giving a rating of 1 out of 5, Worst university experience overall. The teachers treat their male students very poorly. The services they provide in accordance with the high tuition fees they cost aren't up to the mark. I wouldn't recommend this university to anyone who is seeking for quality education along with quality university experience. I cost 4 years of my life studying in this self proclaimed high quality university. Admit here at your own risk.. - about quality of their Private university service in Chattogram.

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